Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Sri Lankan Muslim Orphaned Girls Marching Band

Now there is something you don’t see every day:

We went to the orphanage this morning (without C or the kids) to meet the girls “at home”, see their school, and to arrange to give them some musical assistance which some D&D family members had offered to fund in memory of Don’s brother Declan, who died suddenly last year and was a very keen musician.

The girls are clearly pretty accomplished and well equipped already in the band, so we chose to use the funds to fund their music teacher.

It was also fascinating to see the kids at school. The orphanage has pretty good sources of local funding and has built a new school block where the girls receive well organized lessons in small classes. It’s a world away from the state village school, and justifies the decision to spend most of the effort at the village school. But it also shows how reliant the charity is on good structures being in place in the organisation we are helping. Here you know that the funds will be spent on something clearly beneficial. At the village school, without an effective governing body, its more difficult to tell.

While they were at school, I popped up to see the girl’s dorms. These are still orphans. They have no family to go to, and grow up in these rooms from whatever age they arrive. One of the few times a year they leave the building is to go on the trip to the beach funded by our charity.

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